I don’t want to seem as if I have a one-track
mind, because I very recently responded to an article from Forward
Progressives, but the one I came across this time was probably one of the worst
articles I’ve ever read, so the opportunity was too much to pass up. In fact,
I’m not even responding, for the most part, to make a broad political statement
(as I have before), but mostly just because this article is legitimately so
awful I feel compelled to elaborate on it somewhere—and hey, that’s kind of why
I have a blog to begin with. In any case, the article
in question is from a guy named Manny Schewitz, who I once actually thought was
(unlike his colleague Allen Clifton) a relatively credible voice on Forward
Progressives. He’s writing about “Why the Left Needs to Reject Russell Brand.”
That struck me as sort of weird to begin with, but believe me, it gets
downright surreal as it goes on.
After noting Brand’s popularity among
left-libertarian types, he goes on to say that he doesn’t “see
the big deal about a guy whose greatest accomplishment otherwise is being
married to Katy Perry.” Ouch—that’s a pretty brutal remark to make. I mean,
granted, I didn’t really know about Russell Brand before he was married to Katy
Perry, but that was mostly because I was in grade school for a lot of his
career in comedy and TV. Obviously, it’s one thing if you don’t like the guy’s
style—I personally don’t have much of an opinion, seeing as I’m not very
familiar with it—but it’s a little harsh to say his biggest “accomplishment” is
marrying a pop star.
afterward, Schewitz talks about a popular video where Brand rants against Fox
News, and compares them to ISIS. Not surprisingly, Schewitz sees this as an
absurd false equivalence. But I have to go with Brand on this one. Fox News
devoted itself loyally to supporting the Bush administration, including the
Iraq War—a war that killed, even by lower estimates,
at least around a hundred thousand civilians. Oh, right, and which created ISIS. So yes, convincing the
populace to go along with that sort of action is, in fact, worse than ISIS.
You’d think as a so-called progressive Manny Schewitz might be eager to agree
with that, but apparently he’s too caught up in his inexplicable vendetta
against Russell Brand to care.
Schewitz talks about a recent stunt where Russell Brand filmed outside of Fox
News’s studio after his interview scheduled with Sean Hannity was cancelled. Schewitz
complains, “I’m pretty sure that just about everyone on the left has realized
that Fox News is little more than a conservative fear and disinformation
machine, so why are we subjected to the latest ridiculous thing said on Fox on
a daily basis?” Um, really? This from a guy who writes for a website that has
an entire archive
full of articles—sometimes multiple ones in a single day—mocking the stupidity
of Fox News? If Schewitz has such a problem with people talking about the
“latest ridiculous thing said on Fox on a daily basis,” he might want to bring
it up to his pal Allen Clifton, who seems hell-bent on reminding everyone
almost daily that dumb things are said on Fox News.
then accuses Brand of using attacks on Fox News as a way to bolster his
credibility among liberals and leftists. But he’s completely missing the fact
that maybe, just maybe, Russell Brand isn’t talking about Fox News just for the
sake of “everyone on the left,” but for relatively apolitical, maybe even
conservative-leaning, people who might watch his videos and listen to what he
has to say. It may be hard for Manny Schewitz to believe, but not everything
written with a liberal or left-wing viewpoint is intended to be read by those
who already agree with that viewpoint. I say it might be hard for him to
believe because Forward Progressives is the source of endless, downright
masturbatory articles for liberals to read and agree with without requiring any
sort of thought.
next charge against Brand? That “the conspiracy nuts love this guy.” Okay. And?
Charles Manson loved the Beatles—does that mean Paul McCartney should be in
prison? Furthermore, even if Brand is one of the “conspiracy nuts” himself (and
Schewitz offers no convincing evidence that he is), if his views on society,
politics, etc., are still good, who cares if he believes in some bizarre but
essentially harmless conspiracy theories? As a non-religious person, the
Christian belief that God became His own son, turned bread and wine into his
body and blood, and then died and came back to life, seems like a pretty
strange thing to believe (even if I used to believe it myself), but I would
never avoid associating myself with Christians because of that.
Schewitz quotes a passage from a column Brand wrote last year, where Brand says
he doesn’t vote because he views it as “a tacit act of compliance.” Schewitz
angrily (at least it sounds angry when I’m reading it in my head) counters,
“Guess what? The same people who watch Fox News – which Russell Brand has used
to continue promoting his image – those people also vote.” Fair point, I guess,
but it’s not like Russell Brand is advocating just sitting at home and eating
Cheetos instead of voting—he pretty clearly supports other forms of activism.
And the people he’s really addressing aren’t mainstream liberals—obviously, the
people who watch Fox News will go out and vote, but so will Democratic Party
loyalists like Manny Schewitz; he’s addressing people who really do want the
whole system thrown out, and who are willing to in some way be active for that
cause. Plus, it’s a little hard to really hate someone because they advocate
against voting—George Carlin did, and does anyone
hate George Carlin? Because if there is anyone who hates him, they seriously
suck. I’m just gonna throw that out there.
then comes the really low point of this article—yeah, it seemed pretty bad up
to this point, but here’s where things go from stupid to reprehensible: “If we
were to actually take this pretentious, narcissistic former heroin addict who
was fired from his job at MTV for dressing up as Osama Bin Laden after 9/11
seriously…” I’m not sure what’s worse, trying to insinuate that Russell Brand
deserves to be ignored forever because of something potentially offensive he
did literally thirteen years ago, or attacking him because he used to have a
drug problem. Oh, wait—yeah, I am, it’s the second one. Maybe it’s just because
Philip Seymour Hoffman, an actor who I both liked and admired, died earlier
this year because of his problems with drug abuse, but I can’t help but be
offended on a pretty deep level when you insult someone because they once had a
heroin addiction. I’m just going to hope Manny Schewitz just got caught up in
his vitriol against Russell Brand and didn’t think that through when he was
writing it.
wraps up by going on about how voting is important, things will just get worse
if we get apathetic, and so on, but even though I’ve filled out an absentee
ballot for the upcoming election, I don’t really buy what he’s selling. Russell
Brand is onto something when he talks about the system being fundamentally
rotten, and voting really isn’t about to fix that. That old quote about how if
voting changed anything it would be illegal might not be entirely accurate, but
it seems pretty close at this point. I myself do vote, and I don’t advocate
against it, but it’s hard for me to blame anyone who stays home at this point.
to get back to the article—well, I didn’t really ever think I would say this,
but this doesn’t even meet the standards I’ve come to expect from Forward
Progressives, and that really says something. This article is downright
baffling in how mean-spirited and unfair it is. I’ve honestly only read/watched
a couple things from Russell Brand, but I still feel the need to defend the guy
just because of how absurd this attack is. I don’t really know what Manny Schewitz’s
problem with Russell Brand is, but he might want to talk to a professional
about it. Because he sounds like he might have some issues he should discuss,
and not the ones that’ll be on the ballot in November.
EDIT: An earlier version of this post was edited to correct a misspelling of Schewitz's name as "Schweitz" throughout.
UPDATE: I've removed an accusation that Schewitz himself inserted a hyperlink in the part of the article when he mentions Brand's heroin addiction, as I don't know that he himself inserted the hyperlink. I apologize to Mr. Schewitz for the potential inaccuracy.
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