When uneducated, socially conservative, Christian
fundamentalists attack Islam and Muslims, I am neither surprised nor
particularly interested. It’s inevitable that among the ignorant and the bigots
in America (of which there are many) opinions like that are going to be held.
Likewise, when far-right political parties in Europe take anti-Muslim stances,
it’s to be expected. It doesn’t interest me that much because I don’t have much
respect for the opinions of those groups. However, when intelligent people who
call themselves liberals, and with whom I agree on a number of issues, start
attacking Islam in ways that go beyond any rational justification, I do feel
some need to speak out, and that’s what I’m doing right now.
I want to take as a particular example Bill Maher’s recent
anti-Islam rant, because it nicely captures the phenomenon I’m talking about.
It’s already been pretty well refuted by Reza Aslan, so I might end up
reiterating some of his points, but I’d like to expand on what he said a
little. Now, I like Bill Maher, and I agree with him the vast majority of the
time—I think his recent reaction to our new war in Iraq was spot-on, for
instance. But when it comes to Islam, he starts to sound like people I agree
with a lot less of the time, like Sam Harris or the late Christopher Hitchens,
both defenders, at least to some extent, of the Iraq War (the second one, that is). Now, before I
dissect his tirade, I’d like to make it clear that I’m not arguing for holding
Islam to some standard other than any the one I’d hold any other religion to;
I’m not a Muslim, nor do I agree with Islamic orthodoxy. But Bill Maher and
some of the other outspoken atheist personalities are painting a picture of
Islam that’s absurdly oversimplified, and are using criticism of Islamic dogma
as a pretense for attacking Muslims as people.
Maher starts by arguing that due to its views on apostasy,
adultery, etc. the “Muslim world” has not only common ground with ISIS, but too
much common ground. He
casually claims that “vast numbers of Muslims” believe in
the death penalty for apostasy. He cites absolutely nothing to back this up,
but that’s not even really the point. The real issue is that he fails to take
into account the various countries and cultures from which these “vast numbers”
of Muslims hail; take Turkey, a country of over 76.5 million people where
Muslims make up over 98% of the population; in that country, support for making
Sharia law the law of the land is a paltry 12%, based on a Pew poll released in
2013; among that twelve percent (half of whom think Sharia should only be
applied to Muslim citizens even if it is made the law of the land), support for
stoning as a punishment for adultery is only 29%, and support for the death
penalty for leaving Islam—i.e., apostasy—is only seventeen percent. That means
among the whole population, support for either of those is in the low single
digits. Let’s keep in mind that in America’s golden age during World War
II, around thirteen percent of our population supported the
extermination of the Japanese race, man, woman, and child; Turkey suddenly
seems pretty enlightened, doesn’t it? And, if you look at the poll yourself,
you’ll find the results are similar in plenty of other Muslim countries.
But that’s just the beginning. Maher goes on, talking about
how the “rule of law” is better than theocracy—okay, fair enough. But what
evidence is there that Islam necessitates theocracy? Lebanon, Turkey, Kosovo, and
Albania (just to name a few) are majority Muslim states run as
parliamentary democracies. As said before, support for making Sharia the law of
the land in countries like these is often quite low. So in what way is it fair
to equate Islam with theocracy? The fact that there exist Islamic theocracies
is no more indicative that Islam promotes theocracy than is the fact there
exists atheist states that repress religion indicative that atheism
necessitates state suppression of religion.
Maher’s talk of “rule of law” is just another part of the
problem; he talks about “liberal Western values” earlier in the segment, too,
but there’s sort of an issue with that whole idea: those “liberal Western
values” are for Us, not Them. That’s been true from early on, when everyone had
unalienable rights except for slaves or Native Americans, naturally. Granted,
the “Us” has expanded from propertied white males to all citizens of the United
States (to at least some extent), but the United States’ sphere of influence
has expanded even more. Our “liberal Western values” have resulted in us supporting—sometimes
personally installing—autocratic, authoritarian, and even genocidal regimes.
Oh, and probably the worst Islamic theocracy, Saudi Arabia? We support them.
The Taliban? We created them. It’s fine if Bill Maher wants to say the Muslim
world doesn’t live up to the values that he holds dear—it doesn’t live up to
the values that I hold dear, either—but if Maher honestly thinks the values the
West has historically represented, and continues to represent, are better than
the Muslim world’s, he needs to learn about American history from somewhere
other than high school textbooks.
Maher goes on to talk about how in order to count as a
liberal, you have to stand up for liberal values—again, fair enough. He then
comments that “It amazes me how here in America we go
nuts over the tiniest violations of these values while gross atrocities are
ignored across the world.” Let’s take a look at the examples he cites. First,
he cites how homosexual acts are punished by death in ten countries. True. But
let’s keep in mind that anti-gay laws aren’t exactly exclusive to Islamic
countries; Uganda—an overwhelmingly Christian country—recently passed a harsh
anti-gay law. Further, while in every Muslim country there’s certainly progress
to be made in terms of LGBT rights, there are promising events in some of them.
In Albania, for instance, gays and lesbians were granted the right to serve
openly in the military in 2008, when Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was still in effect
for the United States, and a hate crime law has been passed which surpasses
anything in effect in the US as well. Albania—a country where almost six out of
ten people are Muslim—has also signed onto a UN Declaration supporting LGBT
rights. Granted, Albania’s rights and protections granted to LGBT people extend
beyond most of the other Muslim countries, but there are similar protections in
some, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.
Maher’s homophobia accusation provides
a particularly interesting chance to examine the real origins of homophobia in
many Islamic cultures. The Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim world notes:
Whatever the legal
strictures on sexual activity, the positive expression of male homeoerotic
sentiment in literature was accepted, and assiduously cultivated, from the late
eighth century until modern times. First in Arabic,
but later also in Persian, Turkish and Urdu,
love poetry by men about boys more than competed with that about women, it
overwhelmed it. Anecdotal literature reinforces this impression of general
societal acceptance of the public celebration of male-male love (which hostile
Western caricatures of Islamic societies in medieval and early modern times
simply exaggerate).
In fact, it appears the current
homophobia may be the legacy of intervention from those Westerners Maher is so
fond of.
Maher’s next point is the supposed
sexism of Islam; he cites Saudi Arabia as an example of Islamic oppression of
women. Again, Saudi Arabia (a US ally as mentioned before) is probably the
worst Islamic state, so using it to indict Islam is about as fair as using
Uganda to indict Christianity. There are Muslim countries that have substantial
numbers of women in government right now, and have had women as their heads of state. How many female heads of state has the US had? Oh, right—zero.
He then moves on to discussing female
genital mutilation, ignoring the fact that that’s a problem that happens
throughout Africa, including in Christian countries, and is by no means
prevalent in every Muslim country. A particularly outlandish remark is made
here, when Maher ridicules the argument made by Yale’s atheist group that Ayaan
Hirsi Ali, a victim of FGM, doesn’t “represent a totality of the ex-Muslim
experience,” by asking whether they mean the women who like mutilation. Perhaps
worse than this remark is the utter non-response that it has elicited. Imagine
that Bill Maher had mocked the idea that someone who had been molested by a
clergyman doesn’t represent the ex-Christian by asking, “Meaning what? The
people that liked being molested?” The outrage would have been enormous. Or
what if he’d sarcastically asked if representing the ex-Jewish experience
fairly meant finding someone who “had liked having his foreskin cut off?” The
Anti-Defamation League would have pitched a fit.
Furthermore, there’s a better
explanation to the lack of liberal outrage at these facts than some refusal to
criticize Islam—these things aren’t happening here, in the country we’re
supposed to be in control of. I haven’t heard a great deal of outrage from Bill
Maher about North Korea’s prison camps—is that because he refuses to criticize
an atheist country? Or is it maybe that what’s happening across the world, and
which we have little, if any, control over, isn’t worth pointlessly raising
hell about?
Maher accuses his fellow liberals of
siding with people who “hold women down and violate them,” but this is just
utter nonsense. There are no liberals defending female genital mutilation or
oppression of women; there are just liberals who recognize that the attitudes
of people like Bill Maher and Sam “at war with Islam” Harris will do nothing but
hate-monger. You don’t defeat an ideology by attacking those who abide by it.
The anti-Islamic sentiment of people like Harris and Maher is demanding that
every Muslim abandon their religion if they want to fight against Islamic
extremism and terror groups like ISIS. But convincing the Muslim world that the
West really does hate their religion and want to wipe it out is not a recipe
for some secular paradise; it’s a recipe for failure. Maher might think he’s
being boldly truthful and politically incorrect, but he’s actually just
incorrect, and he might want to consider doing research before he gratuitously
attacks the religion of 1.6 billion people.
Note: This blog post was edited to change the description of Harris and Hitchens as "avid supporters of the Iraq War" to the current description as "defenders, at least to some extent, of the Iraq War." This was done after research on the subject revealed that Harris has not so much voiced support for the Iraq War (let alone avid support) as much as he has simply tried to argue it could be justified in some way on humanitarian grounds, and generally attacked those who opposed it. I apologize for the error.
Note: This blog post was edited to change the description of Harris and Hitchens as "avid supporters of the Iraq War" to the current description as "defenders, at least to some extent, of the Iraq War." This was done after research on the subject revealed that Harris has not so much voiced support for the Iraq War (let alone avid support) as much as he has simply tried to argue it could be justified in some way on humanitarian grounds, and generally attacked those who opposed it. I apologize for the error.
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